Thank you so much for visiting my website!
I am a licensed clinical social worker (LICSW), intuitive teacher, and life coach who specializes in the use of intuition and creativity in the search for purpose, meaning, self-care, and wholeness.
My Vocational History
I have worked for two decades as a social worker and psychotherapist. My social work experiences range from child welfare, treatment of major mental illness and dual diagnosis, to addictions treatment. I started working as an individual psychotherapist for children and adults in 2007 and started my private psychotherapy practice in 2009.
In 2010, I felt ready to become a full-time self-employed psychotherapist and that is truly when my real journey of discovery started! Due to my own experience of burn-out in the field, I started seeking avenues for my own self-healing and began a determined exploration of energy, intuition, and spirituality.
My Spirituality
As a spiritual explorer, I have studied:
Clinical use of essential oils
Intuitive development and intuitive readings
Tarot and oracle card readings
The Akashic Records and the soul's journey
Working with guides, spiritual entities, and the divine feminine
Channeled writing
Pagan and witchcraft practices
.. and more!
I consider my spirituality to be eclectic and open. While the concept of “soul” is a mainstay in my belief systems, I am happy to work with people with differing beliefs or people who do not know what their beliefs are yet.
My Creativity
Through the process of working with my intuition as a tool to assist my clients in their journeys, I realized how resonant the energy of creativity, writing, art, and the artist process is to working with intuition. Intuition and art both require me to move my ego aside in order to allow for divine inspiration and to work within a natural, creative, and intuitive flow. Over the last several years beginning with COVID, I reclaimed my inner artist – a part of me that was left behind when I started my traditional career path.
I am a creator, a visual artist, and writer. I regularly engage in figure drawing, multi-media art, fiction writing, spiritually-guided writing practices, creative non-fiction, as well as writing self-help material (Check out more of my art here or on Instagram).
My Books
I have self-published three spiritually-based self-help books so far, with one more to go to complete a series (Check out The Soul Reason here)!
My Podcasts
I additionally host a self-help podcast (The Inspired Being Podcast) and will be launching a more creative and artistic podcast about love letters (you can participate by submitting your originally written love letter here!) coming this summer 2024!
Creative expression and assisting others in their soulful expression of themselves is not only the topic of my latest book (The Soul Reason Volume 3), but is my current passion!
Working With You
Individually, I have named the work I do “Soul Coaching.” I incorporate all of my clinical and spiritual knowledge into each of my sessions. I no longer perform traditional clinical therapy and I no longer conduct intuitive readings. I do, however, rely heavily on my intuitive senses in each of my sessions to help me gather deeper understanding and offer enhanced feedback to my clients. I am happy to conduct one-time consultations or work in 5-session packages to help you move forward with more confidence and grace.
I primarily work with people who:
Want to grow, development, and seek support for life-transitions beyond what clinical therapy offers
Want to feel more satisfied in their relationships, careers, or within their sense of self
Are sensitive, intuitive, and/or creative - or want to become more so
Want to live a life that is deeply authentic to their soul and feel more confident in making decisions
Want to enhance their lives, meaning, and purpose through the use of spirituality, intuition, or creativity
Want to add the use of creativity or intuitive practices to their daily lives or career paths
Want to explore spiritual topics for fun, for self-satisfaction, or for greater peace in their journey
Are open to a collaborative approach, where I support you in finding your own answers
I am always happy to hear from you via email should you have questions about how I might be able to help you!