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Welcome to the Services, Books, and Classes Page! 

I am currently on an * indefinite sabbatical from ALL intuitive and Akashic readings * so that I can work on The Soul Reason Volume 3, followed quickly by The Soul Reason Volume 4 to complete the series! 

I will only be available for coaching, mentorship, or classes for the foreseeable future. Scroll to the bottom of the page for these services.

But do not worry, you will not be without Akashic and intuitive guidance... 

I am thrilled to refer you to two excellent Akashic Readers:


Emily Schneider is not only a kindred spirit, she is also a psychotherapist and spiritual explorer, just like me!

Emily holds a gentle compassion and innate wisdom throughout her readings and will provide you with greater insight and understanding to help you move forward in your soul journey. In addition to the Akashic, Emily also reads Tarot. 

Please check Emily's website for more information. 


Many of you already know Dave Eyerman, my business and life partner, and my co-host on The Inspired Being Podcast.


Dave is a licensed acupuncturist, shamanic practitioner, and Akashic Reader. His readings blend his knowledge of the natural world along with mindfulness, meditation, and the importance of feeling deeply connected to the world around you. In addition to the Akashic, Dave also reads Tarot and works with shamanic journeying. 

Please check out Dave's website to see if he is the right Akashic Reader for you. 

My Current Services
I book Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only
Eastern Time between 10am and 6pm. 
All sessions are conducted on phone or by Zoom. 


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