Jan 5, 2020
What's up with the Good Stuff?
Maybe I am skewed? It is quite possible...being a therapist has always been a strange profession, perhaps it has altered the way I think...

Oct 17, 2018
12 Reasons to Learn the Akashic Records
After teaching three Akashic classes this past summer, I walked away with two immediate reactions: “That was awesome!” and “Everyone...

Jul 1, 2018
What took me so long?
I “came out” as an intuitive medium in January of 2017, complete with a Facebook page and website outlining my training and offerings in...

Jun 14, 2018
The week I disappeared.
In December, when I finally made the decision to go, I hurriedly signed up for a week away at Omega for this June. I hoped my quick...

Mar 4, 2018
Questions from the Curious: How did you know you are a medium?
How did I know I am a medium? Truth is, I am still not sure I am. All I really know is, that once I started learning about mediumship,...

Oct 16, 2017
What does it mean to have a body?
What does it mean to have a body... because my friend, Heather, doesn't have one anymore. I have been thinking a lot about her...

Aug 9, 2017
Twin Flame Research, Part Three: Results and Conclusions
Hey there! Thanks for coming along for my journey with this crazy non-scientific research! We have reached the final chapter, and its a...

Aug 8, 2017
Twin Flame Research, Part Two: How Does One Research This??
In Part One of my Twin Flame Research, I told you why I was interested in investigating the Twin Flame concept. If you missed it, check...

Aug 7, 2017
Twin Flame Research, Part One: Why??
Welcome to my unofficial and unscientific “research” project about the topic of Twin Flames, Part One! Let's start where we need to...

Jun 4, 2017
...and then, came Cheryl.
After I released my first blog post “Pennies from Heaven,” I had some people ask questions about my journey, the answers to which, I...