Write of Passage: Your Therapeutic Writing Program

Life is hard. Write through it.
Writing is expressive, therapeutic, healing, and offers you tremendous self-reflection. When you receive support on your writing, the benefits of your writing practice amplifies and can provide additional support - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and creatively.
Write of Passage is a therapeutic writing program that is conducted over email. That means, you write when it is good for you and then send me your writing. You will get a therapeutic and creatively supportive response from me within 48 hours to help you move forward in your journey. I can provide you feedback and prompts to go deeper into your process.
What is a "Rite of Passage"? It is commonly regarded as a ritual, a ceremony, or an event that marks a significant change in your life. This change could mark a milestone or propel you into a new trajectory. You have had many Rites of Passages in your life ... now time to honor these events within your writing.
Write of Passage: What it is an it isn't
Is this a therapeutic service?
Yes. When you write - whether it's autobiographical, fiction, poetry or even writing down complaints and rants - you are moving thoughts, feelings, emotions, and energy from your body. This release is not only a self-help tool for your expression, but you often develop greater awareness of yourself through witnessing your own story. All of our stories need to be witnessed. The main person who needs to witness your story is you. Secondarily, having a supportive and unconditionally loving person witness your story from an objective standpoint can be extremely healing - that’s what I will do for you.
Is this psychotherapy? Can I use my insurance?
No, this is not psychotherapy. While I am a licensed psychotherapist in Massachusetts, this is not a substitute for therapy, which will need you to find a licensed professional in your state and engage in a therapeutic relationship.
Is this artistic support?
Yes. Through continual writing, you will hear from your inner voice more and more. Through the busyness and chaos of life, you often get lost in the mix while trying to keep up with all daily responsibilities. When you write, you will give yourself opportunities to step your inner editor and task-master aside - that is the part of you that operates all day long. When this ego part of you can rest, you step into your artistic, creative, and intuitive side of you. This is the part that likely needs the most nourishment. The more you write, the more you see all of life through an artistic lens. Everything you go through is a story that is meaningful, relatable, rich with wisdom, and artistically beautiful. The more you see art as the way through life, the more beautiful life becomes - even in its challenges.
Is this a self-healing tool?
Yes. As you learn more about yourself through writing, you will have opportunities to continue to review your stories, to re-read your writings, and to learn more about yourself as you do. You may be able to read your stories more objectively and with an outside eye as you continue to use your writings for reflection and for hindsight review. My guidance will help you in this process and my offerings will help you see yourself in a new light.
Is this a self-growth process?
Yes. The more you write, the more comfortable you become with your own thoughts, your viewpoint, your personal themes and your self-expression. Writing can help you become more confident in your own use of words, language, and expression. This may help you grow within yourself as well as within your relationships and connections with others and the world around you.
Could this help me start a memoir?
Yes. Through your writing process, you may discover that poems start to emerge - maybe creative ideas start to spark that make you consider writing a novel or your memoir. While it is often important for you to focus on writing only for the moment and without a destination in mind, you may find that this process helps you with other more formatted or goal-oriented writing for the future.
Could this inspire me to write more poetry, fiction or creative nonfiction?
Yes. I encourage you to write without an agenda other than present day self-expression … however, writing begets more writing. Expression begets more creativity. You will never know where this journey will take you!
Do you offer therapeutic or artistic feedback?
Yes, both.
Will you correct grammar, spelling and sentence structure?
No. This is about you writing without an editor in order to come into your truest voice. You can write a giant run-on sentence. You can make up words or use the wrong words. If some day you would like to publish something you write, you may consider a professional editor. This service helps you find the freedom to write what exists inside of you.
Will you help me get started?
Yes - I can offer your prompts and suggestions, but ultimately, your best practice is likely to sit down, be present, uncensored and allow yourself to write without worrying if it makes sense.
I don't think my life experiences are "that" important. I don't think I qualify because my life isn't that interesting.
Our first agenda in your writing is to help you find interest in yourself! Everyone has a story to tell. Your story is important - primarily to you! When you start writing, you are not writing for anyone else but yourself. While, yes, you will have my support, you are not writing to please or entertain me - you are writing to express yourself. Write the worst stuff you can. Write the most boring story you can think of. It doesn't matter the content, it matters that you are opening up your internal voice and allowing it to be heard.
Will you keep me accountable to a writing schedule?
No, that’s on you. You will write because you want to, need to, and because it feels better to. I encourage you to set aside an hour a week (as if you are going to a therapy appointment) and use this as your writing time. In our introduction email, we will decide if you work better with a designated day to submit your writings or if you will work better pacing yourself with what feels right. I do encourage all participants to complete their writing submissions within a six month period in order to gain full support through a cohesive process that has some momentum.
Are there any kinds of writing that are off-limits?
I am a mandated reporter. If you write about ideas, fantasies, wishes, or wants to harm yourself or someone else - AND I am concerned about your wellbeing or someone else’s, I will take action to ensure everyone’s safety. Your writings will not be bound by confidentiality under conditions in which I am concerned about someone’s mental or physical safety. You are afforded freedom of speech HOWEVER hate speech or explicitly violent material will not be considered therapeutic, supportive, artistic, or a healthy way to self-express.
Do I need to have a goal in mind?
No, you do not need to decide on a specific goal or a reason for your participation in this service - just know that by writing, you will advance yourself in all areas. It is often better to come open and non-attached to the process or outcome. A good intention may be “I am open to see what this brings into my life.”
What makes you, Liz, the right person to help me with this?
As a licensed mental health professional, your story is safe with me. I will hold and respond to the emotions and the experiences you write about with a focus on objectively and lovingly witnessing your story. Your truth and your stories will always be supported by me. My loving responses will support you in holding your story with love as well.
As a creative writer and reader, I will provide you with positive feedback about the way in which you share, how you write, and will provide ample support and encouragement to continue to write. I have been part of creative writing mentorships, classes, and groups for over a decade. The feedback I have received from teachers, mentors, and peers has been an invaluable gift! I am skilled in providing deep and supportive feedback that will encourage and excite you so that you want to keep writing! My feedback will include positive comments on the content as well as your writing style.
As a soulful and intuitive mentor, I will pose questions to help you go deeper - to the soul level of you. I will offer prompts or ideas of where you can go next in your writing - both based on your writing but also with the support of my intuition. All of these offerings are only to help spark your own deep expressive desires. You are always encouraged to take or leave any follow up questions, prompts, or ideas. Following your own instincts is priority, and I will offer springboards to have just in case you feel lost.
How will this all work?
This will all be done over email correspondence. Every writer has their own style. Some like to write in the morning, some late at night, some write little bits over the week, while others write all at once. If you are like me, my writing has no structure and no predictability and I have found that accepting this works best to not limit or confine me. Working with an email process means that you get to write and respond when it works best for you. You will not be limited by schedules, zooms, or phone calls. You will email me your writing, I will email you back my supportive responses within 48 hours unless I alert you otherwise (for instance, vacations or holidays).
Is there a limit on how much I send you?
Each submission can be up to three single spaced typed pages which generally equates to 1500 words or less. If you want to respond to my questions or feedback, please include that in your next full submission.
How do I email you my writings?
You can decide to email me as you do anyone else. I suggest you always verify that your email is being sent to me and only me. You can write directly into your email or send me a doc or pdf attachment. My email is liz@lizvarney.com
You can decide to share a Google Doc with me. This allows me to respond right under each passage and this doc will only be between the two of us during your time in the program.
If you have another email platform in which you wish to propose, I am happy to discuss this.